Before ISASP Testing
Before PD
Look at the Accessibility and Accommodations Manual
Practice Tests
Review Conditions of Learning Survey Items
Ask questions about items you are unclear about during our PD together.
Proctor Test Administration Training- Learning Management System
Discuss items in folders and the online Student Attendance and Make-Up Spreadsheet
Day of ISASP Testing
Make sure your test tickets are printed and ready to go
Make sure you have prepared your testing environment
Cover or remove all instructional or note type visual aides in your classroom
Arrange desks so students have space and are not able to readily look at others' computer screens
Ensure that students have a book or something else to do quietly (not on their computers) when finished
Have your students eat their class snacks before testing
Put "Testing" sign on your door, this is found in your folder
Refer to the MW ISASP Reference Sheet or Test Administrator Manual for questions you might have or ask for help
Use the Student Attendance and Make-Up Spreadsheet to record and students that may not be in attendance
Sign in to the ISASP Portal and go to "TESTING" then "Sessions" to find sessions or "Students in Session" to start a session.
Search to find your session, prepare your session, and start your session.
Go over the Student Honor Code that is found in your folder and make sure all students have signed it
Have students find the TestNav icon to start testing by doing the following:
On a MacBook: Have students close down their tabs and go to the Launchpad, they will need to search for the TestNav app, which may be on their second page of apps.
On a Chromebook: Have students sign out so they are on the sign-in page, down towards to lower left on the sign-in screen there will be an "Apps" link, click that link and select TestNav.
Online Testing Procedures and Test Directions for Proctors to Read:
Use the Irregularities Handout in your folder to record any irregularities that may occur during the test
Pause Tests to take classwide breaks as appropriate
Complete Session only if all students are done or send any students who have not completed their session to the cafeteria at the designated times
Gather up test tickets and any scratch paper to put in your folder for collection at the end of testing
Conditions for Learning Survey
Teacher/Proctor Guidelines (view response sets for each grade)
Video for Proctoring Conditions for Learning Survey, One-Pager Describing How to Access Results
Conditions for Learning Survey Login
Student Login ID is their State ID number found on any of their test tickets or the Section Roster in your ISASP Folder
Grades 3-5 should have the adult read the directions and the questions for students
6th Graders can take the survey without having it read to them